European theatre network CEC

The CEC started its reform process in November 2022. The CEC started its reform process in November 2022. CEC – Central European Committee – was and is a region of the World Amateur Theatre Association AITA / IATA. It includes the countries of Russia in the East, Ireland in the West and Israel in the South, and beyond. For over 40 years, the CEC, as a network of national amateur theatre associations, was a bridge builder at the historical and political interface between Eastern and Western Europe. Times are changing. The role of the CEC in this network has also changed. Today, the focus is less on association structures and more on easy accessibility, immediacy and participation for as many people as possible. The CEC is on this path. Thus, the network is no longer a federation of national associations, but open to individuals and theatre groups. In addition, membership fees have been abolished. The CEC is not about representation, but activity. Freely according to the motto, don’t ask what you get (for your money), but what you can contribute. CEC – Living the love of theatre! From 21 – 25 June 2023, all interested parties are invited to help shape the future of this network. You will find the call for proposals in the next news.


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