Boards that mean the world. What turns out to be foolishness today seemed possible in Shakespeare’s time: to grasp the world as a unity, that can be captured from a single, the european, perspective. Politically and economically we already live in the awareness of globalization. But speaking of culture, the hybrid concept that Europe is the middle of the world still comes to mind. Europe, so the claim, is the own and outside of Europe is the foreign. This is especially true for our meaning of Theater. That’s how we train and develop and that’s how we measure the quality of a theatrical performance. Theory and practice of the so called european Theater are the scale and fixed star of our judgement. With Theaterwelten we want to release ourselves from that fixation.
Theaterwelten wants to open the view for the diversity of theatrical forms. Concrete and active experience enables an understanding of other theater terms and other meanings of theater in the regions of the world. Central to us is the trio of experience through performances, acting in joint workshops and reflecting in the symposium.
The aim and principle of Theaterwelten is the encounter of the supposedly own with the foreign on an equal footing: therefore six theater groups from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Oceania (as well as the two Americas) are invited to shape the festival on an equal footing (1 workshop, 1 performance).
Theaterwelten stands for an expanded concept of theater work. It’s about how we understand social and cultural processes in their diversity and how we respond to them. The understanding of theater cannot be limited to aesthetic categories, but has to include political and social criteria. Theater is a social force.
A concrete, culturally shaped worldview emerges in theater. In their cultural diversity, the forms of theater in the world regions create a heterogeneous understanding of the world. Theaterwelten enables people to sustainably achieve new approaches and participation in global, cultural diversity. Our vision is to find partners for Theaterwelten in many places in order to build up a sustainable network. In order not to let the thread of this network break, this platform will be continued on Theaterwelten. Here you can follow the latest, trace the past and shape the future. The platform is a forum for everyone who wants to participate.