Symposium // »By water and by land: an international theatre tour through the city«

Sun, October 16, 2022 // 1:00 pm

At the same time, we would like to use this closing event as a prelude to further peaceful and constructive cooperation between artists from all over the world. Delegates of the international theatre groups will get to know the city of Esslingen from a special perspective in boats belonging to the Canoe Club. In doing so, they will not only represent their own groups, but also the people from 145 nations living in Esslingen. After landing in the city centre, all together: actors and visitors of the festival, will parade through the city in a colourful procession. In small street theatre scenes, each participating theatre group will present itself in its own way, set small artistic impulses and thus bid farewell to a multicultural, multilingual and cosmopolitan city of Esslingen.


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