Workshop Zimbabwe // »Universal language of theatre through music, dance and movement«

Facilitator: Nkululeko Innocent Dube – founder and artistic director of INKULULEKO Yabatsha School of Arts (IYASA) from Bulawayo/ Zimbabwe.

Music, dance and movement as an expression of meaning in theatre. Music, dance and theatre are a universal language of expression. They know no boundaries, no race and no gender. In this workshop, Nkululeko Innocent Dube takes the participants on a journey to explore ways of expressing the emotions, the themes and messages in theatre using movement, music and dance. The participants will get the possibility to learn the traditional African music, how to drum the African way and they explore the youth dance style from Bulawayo. At the same time, the workshop leader opens up the possibility of perspective change for the participants how to use dance and music as a tool of communication like artists in Zimbabwe do, and how it makes theatre a safe space.


Fr 14th Oct. 2022 // 09.00 am – 12.00 pm // Agapedia Kinderzentrum

Fr 14th Oct. 2022 // 02.00 pm – 04.00 pm // Agapedia Kinderzentrum

Sa 15th Oct. 2022 // 09.00 am – 01.00 pm // Agapedia Kinderzentrum

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