Performance Lebanon // »I see my ghost coming from afar«

Fri, October 14, 2022 // 9:00 pm

Taking its name from the poem by Palestinian writer Mahmoud Darwish, I see my ghost coming from afar is a journey into a parallel world. A world populated by a group of ghosts, invisible to the human eye. In the real world, we are losing ourselves. But the world of ghosts is a comforting space; it’s a world of dance, movement, and play. There are dreams of the sea and a sea of dreams. We attempt a revolution against the dead, the living and ourselves. This physical theatre production was devised and written by an ensemble of young Lebanese and Palestinian actors, who were brought together by Seenaryo, an organisation specialising in theatre and playbased learning working in Lebanon and Jordan. The play premiered in 2020, and this performance is an adaptation developed by 6 of the original cast members. This project is carried out in partnership with the Yaabad Scout Troupe and Dar Al Aytam Islamiya with the support of the Goethe-Institut Lebanon and the Center for International Cultural Education of the Goethe-Institut Schwäbisch Hall.

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