Bearbeitet von Robert Koall Regie: Matthias Thieme Ausstattung: Coco Ruch Es spielen: Annelie Becher, Sarah Bickrodt, Kardelen Budak, Charlotte Nitsche, Georg Feltz, Paul E. Heinke, Julian Mosbach und Willi Seibt Theater Die Schotte Premiere am 11. November 2016

Session Germany // »Who is SCHOTTE and where is Wallachia located?«

Thu, June 17, 2021 // 8:30 pm
Online (German)


A festival video contribution to the Erfurt production TSCHICK with everything you need to know.

The Erfurt youth theatre die SCHOTTE introduces itself:

We show the house, stage, people and, above all, the young people who keep our theatre alive and rehearse here with great fun and commitment – on site but also online, as in previous months.

And about Wallachia?

Tschick will explain to us afterwards, because that’s where his grandfather lives – „in a country at the bottom of the world“. Together with Maik (pretty much the uncoolest guy in his class) Tschick (broken shirt, comes to class drunk and maybe has contacts with the Mafia) sets off on the way there…

Excerpts from our production TSCHICK (by Robert Koall based on Wolfgang Herrndorf) and interviews with players and director Mathias Thieme are intended to give an insight into this heart-expanding road movie comedy.


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