Session Philippines // »Welcome to Manila«

Fri, June 18, 2021 // 2:10 pm
Online (English)

With Be Our Guest Theatricals

From empty seats to empty stage is the topic of the session from the Philippine group “Be Our Guest Theatricals”. In their session, they present how they, as an independent group, are dealing with the pandemic and which problems and obstacles got in their way. Not only the virus has challenged them, but also a long rain period, when there has been no internet for days. It made the situation much more difficult, especially at a time like this.

In addition, we get to know the team and their production methods. They take us with them from the beginning of their collaboration to the present day and therefore behind the scenes of their current performance “13th of September”.

An important aspect for the theatre group and for Philippine theatre in general is interculturality. Under this theme, we discuss together how different theatre cultures influence each other in a globalised world.


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