Urban Jungle 2021 – EDERED presentation Switzerland and Germany – YouTube

Edered – European Drama Encounters, organisation which are promoting intercultural work through drama and theatre with children and youth in Europe.

14th European Drama Youth Encounters was a highlight of summer 2021. The participants from six different countries met in four different places: Osijek (Croatia), Brussels (Belgium), Turgi (Switzerland) and Thessaloniki (Greece) united by a common topic of Urban Jungle.
Usually the members of EDERED meet in one country but due to the pandemic situation, it was decided to meet in small local hubs and work at the same time, connecting each other every morning and evening via Zoom.

The final presentation of the Hub-Turgi: the participants from Switzerland and Germany met in the frame of the European Drama Encounter EDERED https://www.facebook.com/Ederedorg/ Kinder- und Jugentheater Turgi (member of ZSV www.volkstheater.ch) invited the Theaterverein Spielfreunde e.V. (member of BDAT www.bdat.info) to work on the topic Urban Jungle. Enjoy the video.

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