Heal the world – THEATERWELTEN 2017

Unfortunately the festival is over. It was a celebration of cultures, of the theatre and the joy of life. It was a celebration of contemporary art; it was relevant and political. It was a celebration of open hands and open hearts.
The atmosphere and the enthusiasm were boundless.

But, we missed the participants from Egypt, who didn´t get a visa!

Theatre can´t save the world, but it can affect it. And you all – the participants of the festival from all over the world – gives us the hope that it will heal once.

We are thankful to welcome you. We are sad to say good-bye to you. We are honored by your empathy and your love for the theatre.


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HINWEIS! Die Workshops finden parallel statt. Es kann für die Festivaldauer immer nur ein Workshop gewählt werden.
Die Teilnahmegebühr am Workshop beinhaltet ein Festivalticket, dass für den Besuch aller Performances und zur Nutzung des Festival-Caterings, bestehend aus Mittag- und Abendessen, berechtigt.