Group Pilippines // »Be Our Guest Theatricals«

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Be Our Guest Theatricals is a young theatre group located in Manila.

The theatre company was founded by five partners who share their passion for acting and theatre, but also stand for good management and professional event organisation. RIKI (Riki Benedicto) is the artistic leader of BOGT, actor, director, trainer and choreographer of stage combat. He is a former member of of Tanghalang Pilipino’s Actors’ Company – one of the most famous theatre ensembles of the Pilippines. Some of his productions were performed and won several awards in Canada, Belarus, Spain, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Riki Benedicto was educated by renowned teachers in the Phillipines and abroad, among them Soxie Topacio, Ana Valdes-Lim, Ron Borrus for the Stella- Adler- Technique, Noa Notem for Viewpoints, Gus Kaikonnen for Reading Shakespeare, to name a few of them.


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HINWEIS! Die Workshops finden parallel statt. Es kann für die Festivaldauer immer nur ein Workshop gewählt werden.
Die Teilnahmegebühr am Workshop beinhaltet ein Festivalticket, dass für den Besuch aller Performances und zur Nutzung des Festival-Caterings, bestehend aus Mittag- und Abendessen, berechtigt.