Bearbeitet von Robert Koall Regie: Matthias Thieme Ausstattung: Coco Ruch Es spielen: Annelie Becher, Sarah Bickrodt, Kardelen Budak, Charlotte Nitsche, Georg Feltz, Paul E. Heinke, Julian Mosbach und Willi Seibt Theater Die Schotte Premiere am 11. November 2016

Performance Germany (Erfurt) // »TSCHICK«

Fri, October 14, 2022 // 2:30 pm

A play by Robert Koall based on the novel by Wolfgang Herrndorf
Theatre the SCHOTTE, Erfurt

Maik is 14 and considered quite the uncoolest boy in class. Surely, there won’t be any invitations for him to “superporno”-looking Tatjana’s parties. And not for Tschick as well. But Tschick is cool. He comes to school boozy, supposedly he is in contact with the mafia. When he stops a stolen Lada-car in front of Maik’s place and picks him up for a joyride, this is the beginning of the greatest summer of his life. They meet weird people and go to strange places- and above all, they get to know themselves!

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