Artistic guide // »Christian Schröter«

The artistic moderation of the Festival Theaterwelten, which will take place in 2021 and was moved to the digital world of the internet from the venue in Rudolstadt.

How can the transformation from analog to digital work? How can a moderator present the various components of an international festival and still keep the connection to the very regionally bound venue? How can a small German city host theater people and artistic contributions from all the major continents of the world – especially in the digital form of the festival?

The cultural geographer and artist Christian Schröter pursued these questions, who discovered his passion for theater as a teenager in the “theater-spiel-laden” Rudolstadt. He designed short video clips for any moderation to match every festival contribution of the digital Theaterwelten 2021. His answer lies quite simply in transferring the world of the guests to the small host town in Thuringia. In order to switch to the two-dimensional format of the screen, the presenter has also converted himself into 2D and jumps back and forth between places in the world and Rudolstadt. Concrete stations, noises and objects help to bridge the gap between here and there. This can then be read as an introduction to the next article, regardless of the German language used – as an atmosphere of what Theaterwelten wants to be: a world of artistic encounters.


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