Group Belgium // »Yorrith de Bakker«

Yorrith de Bakker(1990, BE) is a choreographer, dancer and performer. He graduated in 2012 at the Royal Conservatory in Antwerp with his bachelor performance ‘Mankind’. He started working for Troubleyn/Jan Fabre straight after his studies, performing and touring in several pieces. A few years later he developed his own work CONTROLLED FOLLY (2014) played in de Singel, WE’VE GOT TO GET REAL (2017) shown at Klepperkes, Arenberg schouwburg. He has been researching together with Libby Ward, en Kaat de Bakker and created a new performance SOLACE, that will premiere this November. He currently is working for kunstZ a platform designed to give free theaterclasses to immigrants and refugees. Yorrith specializes in the etymology of body language; his artistic work researches the root of historical behavior and extrapolates humanity’s physical archive into choreography. His next performance THEFT will research how coming out in gay cultures affected masculine behavior. How toxic masculinity and trauma is passed on in the gay scene from generation to generation via sexual power structures, and so called gender performative roles. Leading up to the desensitizing of intimacy and by default normalizin


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