Group Zimbabwe // »IYASA«

IYASA is Zimbabwe’s multi award winning performing arts school for youths established in 2001 to support and promote the best interests of young musicians, dancers, actors and poets. It has since expanded to be a resource Centre for most established and upcoming artistes. IYASA is based in the city of Bulawayo in Zimbabwe.

IYASA has become a household name in Zimbabwe and also established themselves into an internationally recognized organization and ambassadors of African performing arts through projects and performances locally, regionally and internationally. The artists of IYASA have performed in the U.S.A, Austria, Germany, Serbia, Czech Republic, South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland, Zambia, Malawi, Slovakia, and U.K, Japan, Spain, France, Mexico, Montenegro, Italy, Lichtenstein and Croatia among others.

Young people commit IYASA to also improving and promoting theatre for young people. IYASA performs theatre productions, music and dance productions, poetry and public shows, organises festivals, social campaigns, records music and films.


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HINWEIS! Die Workshops finden parallel statt. Es kann für die Festivaldauer immer nur ein Workshop gewählt werden.
Die Teilnahmegebühr am Workshop beinhaltet ein Festivalticket, dass für den Besuch aller Performances und zur Nutzung des Festival-Caterings, bestehend aus Mittag- und Abendessen, berechtigt.