Session Iran // »Tactical Amateurism as an Act of Re-historiography«

Sat, June 19, 2021 // 4:10 pm
Online (English)

With Omid Mashhadi

Within 45 minutes session, Omid Mashhadi will be giving insights into his current research project. The focus is on amateur theatre as a cultural force and artistic strategy, as a counter-narrative to the dominant cultural narratives.

Amateur theatre processes and practices are explored as a network and multifaceted field of cultural production, using a case study. The focus is on how amateur theatre performances can serve as resistance and opposition to commercialised culture and the institutionalised sociocultural practices. Furthermore, the role of amateur theatres for local communities, the creation of spaces for cultural education, the formation of social identity as well as in the establishment of communities of alterity will be examined. A concrete example will be used to illustrate how the triangle of fiction, material and time structure can be shaped and communicated in a theatre performance in such a way that it can act as a tactic of resistance against the dominant social and cultural narrative patterns.

With the help of Omid Mashhadi’s input, we are looking forward to an open and critical discussion and are eager to hear your questions and suggestions.


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