Symposium // »Images of Masculinity in (Amateur) Theater«

As things currently stand (spring 2021) and until further notice, the following applies: amateur theater is tied to living people. The concept of human beings plays a decisive role in this relationship between theater and people. What image of man characterizes amateur theater? Or should one ask what images of masculinity? Because even if it currently appears that social changes are in progress, the prevailing image of man is still an image of masculinity. Nowhere is this more evident than in the performing arts. The concept of human beings plays a decisive role in this relationship between theater and people. What image of man characterizes amateur theater? Or should one ask what images of masculinity? Because even if it currently appears that social changes are in progress, the prevailing image of man is still an image of masculinity. Nowhere is this more evident than in the performing arts.

And in the amateur theater? Which codes regulate the concept of masculinity here? What about the representation of traditional masculinity culture on and off the stage? What counter-narratives are there? In dialogue with theater makers from Germany and around the world, the participants question the myth of “masculinity” in amateur theater, accompanied by practical and artistic interventions. Which codes regulate the concept of masculinity here? What about the representation of traditional masculinity culture on and off the stage? What counter-narratives are there? In dialogue with theater makers from Germany and around the world, the participants question the myth of “masculinity” in amateur theater, accompanied by practical and artistic interventions.

Symposium sessions and supporting program

Fri, June 18

Opening of the symposium »Images of Masculinity in (Amateur) Theater«
3.20 p.m.
Online (German)

Keynote »Images of masculinity in our society« // Session
3.30 p.m.
Online (German)

Keynote »Images of Masculinity in the Theater« // Session
4.30 p.m.
Online (German)

Panel discussion »Which society reflects (amateur) theater?« // Session
5.30 p.m.
Online (German)

Drinks & Talks »Images of Masculinity in Theater« // Session
8.00 p.m.
Online (German)

Sat, June 19

Workshop »Images of Masculinity in My Theater« // Session
2.00 p.m.
Online (German)

Introduction // »International perspectives on masculinities in theatre«
4.00 p.m.
Online (English)

»Tactical Amateurism as an Act of Re-historiography« // Session
4.10 p.m.
Online (English)

»Mfumo Dume – A system of patriarchy?« // Session
4.00 p.m.
Online (English)

»I see my ghost coming form afar« // Session
9.00 p.m.
Online (English)

»The root of toxic masculinity in western theater« // Session
10.00 p.m.
Online (English)


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